Saturday, July 30, 2011

I came into Astrology in the year 1972,living at a place in North India Punjab where every street is having an Astrologer and is famous for Bhrighu Sanhita around the globe; and having access to Bhrighu’s Family due to my Father being a teacher to their children , to help in their schooling .Traditional astrology as is practiced by most of the astrologers in North India was used by me till 1980, and with my posting at Nangal Township famous for Bhakra Dam , I came into contact with a Government School Teacher Mr Kalia the Astrology was his hobby , on the one side he will use Krishnamurthy system and also will  tell remedies from Lal Kitab. During those times the person was having the photo copy of original book writer. I read its translation, it looks obscure to me, considering the planets changing houses that too fix for all the places on earth, it deals with only 1/10 part of astrology and is not scientific at all but it is good to earn from misbelieves and faith of the general public(not tohurt any body these are my frank views), but the Krishnamurthy system proved to be very logical. Till that time I was using Rashi chart and Navmasa positions, and its relations with Rashi Chart and its aspect it receives on Navmasha points Moon sign chart and Sun sign chart. The correct predictions were appreciated and wrong were ignored as it happen, the persons getting correct predictions will make your publicity and a chain will start, the persons to whom you had given wrong predictions will hardly come back to you. But as my practice was mostly with my friends and relatives, I was aware of my work and will make stunningly true predictions.
I lost my 1st printed prediction record , I tried at the time of Congress Government led by PV Narsimha Rao tenure in April 1996 , with KP Horary and failed miserably , my prediction too was not given much priority. The above printed prediction was 2nd among my print in media at Devgoda times when Congress refuses to support his Government. This was based on KP, as well as Nadi Knowledge, reading Planetary strength and House Strengths are two different things, if Nadi and Indian full Rashi full house shall be applied for evaluating the strength of individual planet then it is necessary to evaluate a house with the eyes of KP, the Bhrighu Nandi Nadi as had been explained by RG Rao in his books and many of my own findings which were intuitively learned and were found in various books.
My father was not a well off person being the eldest of five brothers and sister, it was not possible for me to even buy the books of Astrology, which I will procure from here and there, the most helpful to me was the Sadhu Ashram Library of Hoshiarpur. But I was able to buy Parashar Hora Shastra only in 1977 after 5 years of my learning from the sources of Library.
The above prediction is marvelous in its own sense that it gives accounts for the following things.
1.   The troubles of Coalition Government which starts from 1st week of April 1997 will end in between 17th April to 28th April by which time their will be a change in the Prime Minister and will be supported by Congress.
2.   Congress can not come into power as yet in spite of its claim or BJP can not come into power as yet in 1997.
3. The present Government can have the maximum life of March 1998.
4. The BJP with his alliances will come to power in or during March 1998.
5. The Congress can not come into power before Mars period which will begin in 2003.
6. The Congress will clear the decks for its young Nehru family person from 2003.
All the predictions were stunningly true and passed the test till 2003.}
 I do not know if any Astrologer had taken such risk to predict in one go for the next 6 year about the Political scene of any Country. I tried all these years not to publicize myself, because it may disturb my peace of mind. But it looks as these are the times to show to the World about yourself and nothing but my work will introduce me to the outer world.

The Next prediction was at the times of Election on 1.3.1998, it gives the Formation of BJP led Government near 17.3.1998. Atal Bihari Vajpayee took oath of his PM office on 18.3.1998. I foresee the complete term for this Government with change in alliances during September to October 1999. This was written during my statement printed on 17.4.1999.
The Change occurred but it involves our public in the Election .From 1997 I was writing that Congress will reshape and will regain power only after 2003, I clearly mentioned in my statement dated 9.10.1999
That Congress will come into power after 2003 with the help of other political parties but Sonia Gandhi will not be Prime Minister of India. Other things which proved the test of Time was that I declared that due to Rahu mahadasha in the Constitution chart of India their will be no single party rule till 2011 , and India will remain under the threat of Terrorism from North or South . I further declared that some thing favoring Kashmir Issue can happen only after the End of Rahu Mahadsha.

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