Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sign Virgo and Jupiter Controlling planets

Are you a Virgo born ? Or you have  Virgo at a significant place which can be a issue to your running age.
The Saturn will soon move to Libra  and Mars will reach Leo from April 14 2012 to June 21 2012 the Saturn will be retrograde and Mars will be in direct Motion. This is malefic Pap Kartari Yoga ,it is like cutting of Virgo sign due to forward motion of Mars and retardation of Saturn. Virgo is sign of traders, it is as the Traders will have a blood bath during this period.
In my previous writing i had written about Venus rising in Libra and Jupiter movement in Venus Star is cause of Concern , but it will be only up-to October 14 2011 after that Jupiter will move back to Ketu star , with Ketu in the next sign and behaving like Venus and Moon up to 12th march 2012 . Mars opposing Rahu from Leo . The Net result will be Markets having no specific trend a confused state upto 12th March 2012 .
A positive trend from 13rh March 2012 to 13rth April 2012 but the traders will not have any confidence.
From 14rth April to 21st June ; A negative bias in the Markets.
What will happen to person who are born in Sign Virgo like me.?
Written 5th October
Inder Jit Sahni

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