Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Next: April to End of Year

Above is news in Punjabi Daily in North India, it refer to my previous prediction of 14.12.2011 of a short bull phase and depression thereafter.

After 14rth April 2012 Saturn is retrograde while  Mars is direct , it means Virgo sign in a Malefic scissor combination , moreover the sign lord Mercury was low ,in debilitation,  Jupiter the major significator of Finance had moved in Sun star , Sun though exalted is in Saturn aspect , will move in Venus sign from May 14rth , Venus on the other hand  in Taurus was well but with its retrogression it will trouble Sun and Jupiter alike.
Hence the month of May and June are very hectic for share markets and a fall is inevitable .
From June 14rth again the Sun will move in Mercury sign with aspect from Saturn. So till June 21st when the Mercury will  leave Gemini there are no chances of bull run . Sun here till 16th July will keep the market low, but the maximum low shall finish from 21st June.
Jupiter is to cross Ketu from 2nd August , so the market step will be  + from 21st June then from 16th July and then from 2nd August.

Golden opportunity for those who missed the bus , it will not repeat again for up to 2014.
Inder Jit Sahni
Written 8.5.2012

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good and useful perdition sir..thanks respectable INDER JIT SAHNI JI