Monday, September 17, 2012

Mercury in Virgo

Mercury the indicator of trading entered in Virgo from 13rth September to 1st October , in this duration Sun joins it on 16th September 2012 . Both aspect-ed by Jupiter the finance significance though surrounded by Malefic around.
A booster to the Share Market, but Mars moving to Scorpio to start a fight with Rahu the dragon head from 28th of September.
How the old man Jupiter will feel , a fight happening in front of him. A sure sign of depression in Share Market from 28th of September to 8th of October .
The Bull Run move of the Sun is over , Mars in Jupiter direct aspect is good for Gold higher rates but Sun will move to his point of depression shall give a good fall in the Gold in the last week of October.
So a positive trend in share Markets till the end of this month and after 9th November.
Range bond trading from 9th October to 8th November 2012.
What I am providing here is the Knowledge which one can never take and benefit without God's grace.
If you are having benefit with my postings then to have blessings to retain you must donate a part of it to someone needy or at a public place or at some temple?
Those who shared a part with me got this information few days before.
With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni 


gabie said...

Thank you, I'm working on getting debt paid off.I have started a campaign to get the "family", debt free also.But there is always enough to give to charity. Best regards, Gabie

Anonymous said...

thanks for the posting usefull and accurate information..u r a great astrologer..ur prediction about gold came very true........
pardeep singh
talwandi sabo

KK Blogger said...

Hi Indrajeet,

Nice to read u r blog. But I think from october 15 onwards Jupiter inwards it goes Retrograde so he might not take the fight in front of him seriously. I feel Retro Jupiter he becomes extremely +ve but also unpredictable. So I feel market will not go down much when mars meets Rahu. However I think Govt and Gold will have be having in tension.

Inder Jit Sahni said...

Dear KK Blogger,
Jupiter will remain retrograde from 4rth of October 2012 to 30 Jan 2013. and is worth predicting, with time I will make a prediction about this period too.

Anonymous said...

Respected inderjit sahni ji,
i visited u today . thanks for ur nice assistance. please add my email id to ur premium members list.