Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Predicting about Company Future

The formation of a company date is mostly available to us, not available is its exact time. The Nadi Astrology  used in Bhrighu nandi nadi then come in handy to Judge about the future prospectus of a Company. Or another method is when some ask through Horary to an astrologer  then the general principles help an Astrologer to find about a Share; here in a recent instance some one who was long in Apple Share and it was falling asked me to predict about it in private after paying the charges , I tried and predicted about it , I will post about it after looking at the results of prediction, previously also the person took help and I was successful in pinpointing the dates for him.
But it come to my mind that can not we check about the future  and prosperity of a Company from its birth date.Jupiter is life force and Mars is the planet of Engineering, Saturn is work , then Venus is money and Mercury is intellect, Moon is cleverness and cheating and Rahu is illusion and Ketu is star of liberation.
Checking on the Companies with their formation dates only through the known principles of Astrology , the results match with the Ground Realities about the Company you wish to find out.
Certainly I will try for the Companies in which I have holding or wish to invest.
Slowly I will start posting in which I had interest.
Wait for such postings , because you want them free.
With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni
Written 19.12.2012

Gold Silver down trend will be arrested from 30.12.2012.
Mars in Capricorn is good for Share Market, Cement, Chemicals, Metals.
Coming year is best for Share Markets around the Globe , but especially for emerging Markets.

With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni 20.12.2012 

It is much late but I think of starting with Companies , if you are interested in any Company please give me the name of Company and other details such as its formation and listing , mergers etc. Exact Date is the main requirement with place.
Inderjit Sahni
Written 31.5.2016

1 comment:

KK Blogger said...

Hi Inder Ji,

Good to know the concept. Incidentally, I had too tried this before but general Parashari way but due to the lack of timing of the company , tried with 12:00 Afternoon. But this does not give an accurate results. I will learn and try Bhrighu Nandi . An example however will be great from you !