Tuesday, April 23, 2013

An Immediate Guide

I was not able to write due to my own Physical problems, did not answered the enquirers for paid predictions, answered only who sent money without even asking me ,two of them is pending for a final write up . any how for a quick guide to the Visitors of my BLog.
Do not stay invested in Gold sell it, it will be again for a depression from 28th  April to 2nd May 2013.
You may take a long position then in it upto 11th June 2013.
Better invest in Silver from 5th May.
Gold bull run which was seen upto September 9th2011touching 1950 US dollar will not come again at least for next 20 years(One of my visitor asked me if it means that 1950 dollar rate will be attained by Gold in next 20 years, no I mean that the percentage growth in Gold will be normal as was 3 to 4 % from May 2014 onward but before that from September 9th 2011 to May 2014 the Gold is in a negative growth. The person also told me that he laughed at this prediction in last year , but is convinced now, I narrate a story , I asked one Mr Sunil John from Mumbai to print this prediction in his Sapatrishi E Journal, and called him four or five times, he avoided, I gave this story to one Editor of Danik bhaskar, but he preferred to print another astrologer who was predicting Rs 50000/- for 10 grams approximately 3500 US dollar, now as the Cat is out they are again misleading the public by predicting 1200 US dollars or 20,000 for 10 grams, Sad is the state of Astrologers and Media World vide ) . So do not expect much returns from Gold , those who invested at higher levels shall move out from it with loss by 10th June 2013 and then reinvest only in 2014 March, this is my advise( some one invested at 1900 US dollar was asking this. in a private inquiry).
People generally are good to pay to Cheaters / advertisers. Indians generally be-leave in a Magic Man than in an Astrologer like me who is straight forward and open.
I am frustrated by the Indian (not all but few)readers and once was thinking not to update. But many had valued my writings and , now I thought of doing my best without expecting anything from human beings but for the submission to God.
Pay special attention to Share Markets from 28th April to 13rth May 2013. The tensions in the World may effect Share Markets and a fall is possible.

With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni

Daily Movements

Gold and Silver will move in high zone on 24rth April GMT 1.46 Hours to 13 Hours
Again the combination will repeat on 26th April from 20.15 hours GMT  to 27th April 7 hours GMT.
(Check if markets are open during these hours.)

The gold has moved very fast today will fall after20.00 GMT 25th April to 26th April 15.10 GMT


The Gold had moved beyond my expectation , though I never think on the quantum of fall and rise but my stress is  on proper timing, because this is what an Astrologer shall think.
Sun with Saturn opposition is sure a sign of depression for Gold, here it started on 13rth April the peak combinations happen on 30 April to 2nd May 2013.
The fall happened on 13rth but will it again fall from 30 April to 2nd May , Sun is with his commander friend Mars and with flag next and in the next house is Jupiter , The depression shall come but will not last long. So act very carefully. Be on plus side from 3rd May . The Trend setter move then is on 7th May 2013.
The Rates will settle where are to from the last fall present rise and after the expected fall.

With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni  Dated 26.4.2013

Further addition

The depression as was predicted had begin with one day delay , the dates as had been written above are further revised and are being disclosed to those who are on my paid list  will be updated when I will have free time , for those who wants it free.

With Best Wishes
Inder Jit Sahni 1.5.2013

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