Friday, August 23, 2013

India and emerging Markets

  1. The falling Re and share markets in India put me to think over Indian Share Markets and Reputation in the world, no doubt that India leads in spiritual pursuits , but we had politicians and bureaucrat who lead India top in corruption only next come to them others,businessmen or service class. The Capricorn is the birth sign of India as per our Sages and is a ruler for emerging Countries.
  2. Saturn in exalted mode with Rahu is very high expectation from India as well as emerging markets.
  3. But Venus move from April 2013  to 31`st August 2013 is such that it down graded the Value of India as well as of Emerging Markets.
  4. It may mean that Re will see its lowest value by 3rd September.
  5. But it may not end the permanent devaluation of Indian image in the World eyes up-till and until a strong revolution  against the present Corruption and human values in India which I expect to happen within next 8 years, when Saturn , Jupiter and axis will be in a mode of thinking and ambition which I will write at some other time.
  6. So practically for a short time the Indian Markets will be in a bull phase after 31st August 2013 the closing dates of this bull phase I will write in my another blog means for my paid clients.
  7. Saturn will be Neecha Abhilashi from the end of this year, this may give election in the end of this year, it will also give a chance to start working from bottom of reputation , so do not expect a major revolution/uplift in Indian Share markets before the new Govt takes over, that too will be for a short duration.
  8. Mars and Saturn Rahu square is very dangerous for the Countries in North of the Globe as well as for the Countries staring with vowels, this combination is in operation from 18th August 2013 t 26.8.2013 ,10.9.2013 16.9.2013 ,1.10.2013 are the appropriate dates when the danger may be maximum, lack of joint study , and research , it is very difficult to predict these disaster's locations. 
Written dated 23.8.2013
Inder Jit Sahni

In my above writing whereever I had written 31st August I was meant by 3rd September, I corrected it at one place but missed at other places.

The USA Syria problmes are up from 18th August to 5th October , the peak combination will happen on 14rth September.
The Mars is in between Jupiter and Sun , the combination of blast is between two Aristocrate planets.
In a way Sun with Mercury combust with Venus in next house are in between Saturn and Mars. Venus crossed its peak debliation point today on 3rd September but Mercury is combust till 10th September , Venus gives strength to Saturn Rahu from 6th September. These combinations may give stress to Share Markets in USA and rise in Gold prices.
The exact outcome will be clear only after 10th September 2013.
Sun will join Saturn from 17th October 2013, it is likely meeting of the opposite groups and efforts to resolve, Mars Venus square is not good during this period too.

All looks very critical and will effect the economy and precious metals.

Inder Jit Sahni

Re had seen its lowest value on 3rd September as predicted.
With Mars moving to Leo and Venus 2nd to Saturn Rahu , The Foreign currency will move highly in Emerging Markets , with currencies of these countries appreciating a lot. 
Re will see its highest appreciation by 15th -19th October 2013.

So remain invested in Share Markets in Emerging markets.

With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni


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RAOLN said...

Looks like there are few troublesome periods between 19th September 2013 through to 10the November 2013.
Under Extreme scenarios,
US strike may happen between 19th and 22nd September as USA seems to be in a bit of hurry.
There could be earthquake or tidal wave of high magnitude for USA, Turkey, Egypt, Australia & NZ as these countries pass through 4/10 axis of eclipse.
China and Pakistan may have another attack on India, this time terrorist and military attacks.
There could be a chance of devaluation of Japanese Yen and US$ during this time.
Sharemarket may have direct nose down by 7000 to 10000 points and Gold can go upto $1532 after a fall from say $1320. Again in November '13 to Mar'14 Gold may drop to lower level to have a good climb during May'14 to Jun'14.

Extreme results follow if the Syria strike happens on 19th September. If diplomacy holds it back, the war will delay by 6 weeks. There could be greater stake in the war for Saudi Arabia than USA to keep the supremacy in the region.
It is so unfortunate that most of planets are clouding at Swati Star which is Rahu's constituency and even major eclipse happening around there. Rahu will never give time and everything may happen quite suddenly without much notice.

I am not a great astrologer like Sri Indrajitji. I saw very good honesty and great depth in Sahni Saab.

Sarve Jana Sukhinobavantu.
Om Sri Maha Ganapathi save us from these extreme situations and let people celebrate nice Diwali festival.

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RAOLN said...

Looks like a probable share market crash is inevitable between 20/10/13 and 05/11/13.
Caution is needed for investors

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