Friday, August 28, 2015

China Crisis

With the China Crisis gripping the world , for how much time it will impact our markets and what should be done.
Saturn is moving towards Jupiter sign and Jupiter with Sun under the impact of Saturn . The Dragaon will be under the controll of Sun Jupiter etc till 24rth November, so Governments reforms will come in view , giving no real danger about the China Economey , but will fail after 24rth November 2015.
So the infusion of cash and other process of revival of the Governments will fail . Hence use the up markets to move out of Share Markets and start investing in other markets , Gold ,Bond , white metals other than Silvert to have maximum return of your money.
With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni
Written 28.8.2015

1 comment:

Rajat said...

Thanks for posting again! Can you please let us know of your thoughts on gold/silver?