Friday, August 19, 2011

Present Planetary Movement For Share Markets and Bullion

The Mercury becomes visible at 22.00 Hours IST on dated 26.8.2011 the main hero of the present set up as he had decided what to do in the present set up acting differently for each nation, for India it is Anna fast for JanLok Pal Bill, an Esteemed Astrologer Gopal Goel Ji, from Delhi predicted on phone to me that with direct motion of Mercury from 3.33 AM IST  on dated 27.8.2011  will favor the Anna to break the Fast by a favorable move in the Parliament.
A natural beneficial in retrograde motion is considered  a powerful planet to do good. Hence a lone Mercury should be considered extremely auspicious So some very positive could have  happened during 26th night to 27th  morning , but  the malefic Moon joining such Mercury had made things as suspicious. Sun is with in the orb of Jupiter aspect upto 3rd September, but with Jupiter another natural benefice becoming retrograde and Mercury coming under the benign aspect of Jupiter exact on 15th September will be sensed  by the Market Pundits and will halt the Market downtrend and reverse will begin.
We had seen a fall of Bullion on 25th when mars was exact square to Saturn , but  I do not consider still a negative trend for bullion , but market will swing both ways up to the dates I had predicted Bull phase.
Written at 4.25PM  IST 27.8.2011
Look at my last writing,” ; from 17 August to 5th September it will slump the most . From 6th September 2011 the retrograde Jupiter showing now confused stage of the God of Wisdom Share Markets will start show the Sign of Recovery, the Mars going out of Saturn aspect from 9th September will improve this. Future Short Terms forecasting I will Post again.”, with Mercury shifting to Cancer the World Share Markets are tumbling down.
                                                          The Sun is under the aspect of Jupiter, whose sign lord Mars is under deep conflict through Saturn aspect as well through depositor Mercury in retrograde stage in 4rth to Jupiter. Venus the star lord of Jupiter is also combust. The King will meet his Minister but had himself neither support nor any ideal thought to handle the situation, some thoughts will start and will come in vision only after 9th September 2011, therefore Market will show the signs of Recovery, though Mars  in 4rth up to 30 October will give positive trend to the Market being in angle from Jupiter, but being a natural malefic and the depositor of the Rahu, it will be negative to the Jupiter hence Share Market. When negative to the Shares opposite will be true for Bullion. That is Bullion then will rise. Concluding we shall assume that Markets may remain flat to positive, but no further falls. Up to 30 October and no further rise in Bullion.
Written:- Inder Jit Sahni

1 comment:

Prem Lulla said...

I read your comments about Share markets and Bullion with interest.

The events suggested by you in your article dated 08/08/2011 have almost come true.

Thanks for your efforts and request you to keep posting your views.