Monday, August 8, 2011

Share Markets and Bullion

Jupiter is the star of Wisdom as well as of Finance and the Head of Priests for the King, where as mercury is the planet of busyness trading etc, Rahu Ketu Cause affliction/confusion mask, maya of the planet to which ever they represent or affect then Mars placed at a specific place cause protection and at an improper place body placed cause destruction. A planet related to Saturn through aspect or conjunction cannot do well.
Jupiter is in the house of Mars from 8th May 2011 and Rahu entered in the house of Mars Scorpio on dated 8th June 2011. Scorpio is 8th from Jupiter. 8th is the house of Debts, death hurdles, interest, borrowing etc.
The ambition of Jupiter being in a Rajoguni Sign and worries given by Rahu all are transferred to Mars the sign lord. Axis on the other hand will keep the Jupiter move blocked till 27th June 2012.
Mars and Saturn will be in 6th from Jupiter and Rahu in 7th from Jupiter after 12th August,  A slightly good position afflicted by Rahu again. Upto November 2012 I cannot see any rosy picture for Jupiter which shows a Financial Crisis for the World affecting growth directly.
Mars the Depositor of  Jupiter  is also sharing the house of Rahu is under the influence of Saturn , Saturn though in 6th was good and was showing the growth of Asian Countries but by spoiling Mars it had spoiled the Jupiter and Rahu both.
Mars entered in Gemini  from 25th July , Mercury , direct under the influence of Jupiter aspect  kept the things under control , but with its retrograde motion it is like auditing the account books of King , here it is USA  that is from 3rd August  the traders becomes  alert and from 8th August with combustion of Mercury , that is coming more close to Earth , the real picture is becoming known to the traders and Market will further slump slowly ; from 17 August to 5th September it will slump the most . From 6th September 2011 the retrograde Jupiter showing now confused stage of the  God of Wisdom Share Markets will start show the Sign of Recovery, the Mars going out of Saturn aspect from 9th September will improve this. Future Short Terms  forecasting I will Post again.
What Should Be Done.:  This is the best time for the Investors to enter slowly  in the Market with an investment scenario of   1 year 4 months time. As Market Bull phase will begin from December 2012. But shares may fell at its lowest levels within next month fortnight. On the other hand donot stay invested in the Precious Metals, Gold and Silver etc. Move out of it from September to August 2012 and enter into Share Markets for the best gains in 2013 -2014 for entering again in Precious Metals from May June 2014.
But before doing anything get your birth charts checked, if you had fortunes through, Bullion, Share Markets or you shall stay invested in Banks Fix Deposits. My Advice is enter in Systematic Investments Plans to take benefit of  future Bull Run.
The information and opinion given above is based on my Astrological Knowledge, I will not be responsible for any Loss and nor I wish to take any credit for Profit made by you.

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