Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Year 2013 What is New

The Jupiter will become direct after 30 Jan 2013 the Finance significator   his exchange with Venus will finish from 28th Jan , Venus under the aspect of Saturn , the sign lord is making the things suspicious but good.Mars will stress Jupiter from 25th at least upto 3rd Feb 2013 medium thereafter but good after 4rth March.
So the Jupiter is under stress upto 4rth March though Jupiter direct is good for Market.
The change in sectors will happen with Jupiter direct. This will again happen with Jupiter sign change. Those who are in Share markets depending upon their own birth charts will earn well , The Gold will stay whaeras it is making swings, one may earn with swings, no idea for holding Gold this year for long terms.
If metal is your fancy invest in Platinum/Silver.

With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni
Written 23.1.2013
Gold Prediction fall after 24rth Jan hit the bull eye.
Thanks to God to give me knowledge.
With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni 25th Jan 2013.

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