Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Review Old writings

It was posted on 7th July 2011 and see the trend thereafter.
The Transits of planets suggests me that Gold and Silver are going to
rise again for September 2nd week,
Those who wish to gain can add it to their portfolio to move out from
it in the 1st week of September to have a safe play.
Though I read the current period as a bull face for Silver, but Gold
will also rise in sympathy with Silver.
I expect maximum bullion price from 9 September 2011 to 13 September 2011.
I look at a slow fall thereafter in the prices of both the metals
which will extend to August 2012 with a sharp fall thereafter, As
August in general is a good month to give rise to Gold prices , it
needs observation in 2012 only. But my view is that the precious
metals will remain in Correction mode from August 2012 to June 2014.
Hence make fresh long terms investments only in May 2014
With Jupiter entry into Cancer on 18 June 2014 a new mini bull circle
will start in Gold.
I am very busy at the moment due to my family affairs and do not have
time for writing, had written this for the benefit of list members,
And for my friends.
With Best Wishes,
Inder Jit Sahni,

Please notice the below mentioned  lines on my blog on 30 July 

<I look at a slow fall thereafter in the prices of both the metals
which will extend to August 2012 with a sharp fall thereafter, As
August in general is a good month to give rise to Gold prices , it
needs observation in 2012 only. But my view is that the precious
metals will remain in Correction mode from August 2012 to June 2014.
Hence make fresh long terms investments only in May 2014>

The fall did not happen because in August Sun in Leo give strength to Gold it is more 

so because Sun is in a very benefice position from other planets. Its 1st hurdle is 

Rahu which it crosses on 23rd August, soon Jupiter from its 10th position it will farm 

its aspect on Sun from 16th September . But Sun will be in a bad position from other 

two malefic.So what should be done.Invest in Gold for a short term period upto 16th 

September safely after which the malefic will not let Gold sustain its high point and  

Jupiter will not let it fall freely till 7th October.As such start selling after/near  16th 

September 2012.By adopting this strategy you may earn good in Gold. If you are 

benefited by my prediction you must contribute to me by comments or the way you 

like. By adopting this strategy you may earn good in Gold. If you are benefited by my 

prediction you must contribute to me by comments or the way you like.

Writen 23.8.2012.

Inder Jit Sahni 

Inder Jit Sahni 

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